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Botanical Drawings

Esta página foi vista 48 vezes desde 16/02/2024

Learn to draw flowers, leaves, cacti, succulents and others step by step guide

Por: Jideon F Marques

This is such a playful, sometimes delicate, and easier-than-you-probably-expect art form that doesn’t require many materials, but does allow you to branch out and create something gorgeous by applying other types of art to your illustrations. Line drawing looks lovely as standalone piece but also works well when incorporating watercolor and hand lettering. Adding line drawings can really bring a piece to life.

This step-by-step book guides you through pages and pages of simple illustrated instruction, with five steps per illustration. You will see that each step adds onto the previous shape or detail, and in no time, you’ll have produced your very own coveted line drawing!

I encourage you to pull out a sketchbook and practice these plants separately, then bring them together to showcase them as a lovely floral wreath, bouquet, wildflower field, succulent garden, and more. Options are limitless with this art form!

Ebook (epub)
R$ 42,83

Tema: Técnicas, Desenho, Artes e Entretenimento, Artes Cênicas, Artes Palavras-chave: art, basic, beginners, botanical, class, coloured, drawing, drawings, for, illustration, illustrations, illustrator, lesson, lessons, of, painting, pencil, practice, techniques, tutorial, tutorials

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