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Learn to ferment everything How to make Kimchi or fermented fish

Esta página foi vista 40 vezes desde 07/03/2024

Por: Jideon F Marques

Welcome to the fascinating world of fermentation, where magical microorganisms transform ordinary ingredients into extraordinary delights! This book, "Learn to Ferment Everything: How to Make Kimchi or Fermented Fish," is your definitive entry into the ancient art of fermentation. As you explore the following pages, you will be guided through an exciting journey, uncovering the secrets behind fermentation and learning to create your own fermented delicacies, with a special focus on kimchi and fermented fish.

Get ready for an exhilarating adventure, where beneficial bacteria become your allies in the kitchen, turning simple ingredients into flavorful and healthful foods. From the fundamental concepts of fermentation to detailed recipes and practical tips, this book provides a comprehensive guide for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts.

Uncover the mysteries of fermentation and welcome a world of intense flavors and unique textures. Be prepared to transform your kitchen into a fermentation laboratory, where creativity and microorganisms come together to create unparalleled culinary experiences. Let's embark on this fermented journey together!

Ebook (epub)
R$ 66,56

Tema: Vida Saudável, Métodos, Saúde E Fitness, Culinária Palavras-chave: 5, a, almost, anything, at, brine, carrots, everything, ferment, fermented, food, foods, for, garlic, home, how, in, lacto, peppers, probiotics, to, vegetable, vegetables, veggies, ways

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