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Learn some amazing easy magic tricks For beginners

Esta página foi vista 43 vezes desde 20/03/2024

Por: Jideon F Marques

Being a talented magician definitely takes practice, but it starts with the right instructions. Amazing Magic Tricks for Beginners offers just the right level of basic guidance in easy-to-follow, illustrated step-by-step instructions. Whether it's cards, coins, or magic boxes and hats, even the most inexperienced magic enthusiasts will be able to access the magic tips and performance advice taught in this book.

Amazing Magic Tricks for Beginners will give you the inspiration you need to create a magic show around every trick you perform. No matter which end of the spectrum your magical aspirations fall on, you'll succeed by performing your favorite tricks with grace and leave your audience wondering how you did it.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 49,61

Tema: Faça Você Mesmo, Entretenimento, Casa E Lar Palavras-chave: basic, beginners, best, card, easy, for, hands, how, kids, learn, magic, revealed, simple, to, trick, tricks, tutorial, with

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