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Studio 604

Esta página foi vista 33 vezes desde 22/03/2024

A narrative inspired by real events, starring a Brazilian and a South Korean.

Por: Willian Bezerra

As you flip through these pages, allow me to share with you a unique and vibrant journey I experienced alongside Tasha, an artist whose influence has shaped not only my work, but also my heart. Every brush stroke, every conversation and every laugh come to life in this story, and it is with immense gratitude that I share these memories with you.

Art, for me, has always been more than colors on a canvas; it has become a means of connection, a language that transcends words. Tasha and I explored this vast world together, where brushes and calligraphy were not just instruments, but expressions of our souls.

In this Studio 604, we find a refuge, not only to create, but to share dreams and inspirations. Every art exhibition, every night under the starry sky, has become an unforgettable chapter in our history. As we said goodbye, each goodbye left an indelible mark on our hearts.

This story is more than a report; is a tribute to the beauty of a unique connection. To those who venture into these words, I hope you feel the intensity of our love for art and life. Let each page be a blank canvas, waiting to be filled with the colors of your own journey.

R$ 110,82

Tema: Ensaios E Viagem, Asiático, Turismo, Drama Palavras-chave: 604, and, artistic, connection, creativity, experience, friendship, memories, shared, studio


Número de páginas: 70
Edição: 1(2024)
Formato: A5 148x210
Coloração: Colorido
Acabamento: Capa dura
Tipo de papel: Couche 150g

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