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Chocolate Cookie Recipes Delicious, creative, and unmissable for all occasions

Esta página foi vista 26 vezes desde 28/03/2024

Por: Jideon F Marques


If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s chocolate chip cookies. No matter your background or beliefs, no matter what’s going on in the world, chocolate chip cookies are universally comforting.

They are pure joy, a reminder of childhood, a way to bring family together. They mean time spent in the kitchen with my kids. They make a house smell like a home when my husband returns from work. They are what I take to my kids’ teachers at school, the nurses at the hospital when my mom was receiving cancer treatment, and the new neighbors across the street who’ve just had a baby.

Chocolate chip cookies are the simplest way to say “I’m sorry” and “I love you” and “I’m so happy you’re in my life.” They are a simple reminder that things don’t need to be complicated.

I am honored this book has become part of your home, and my hope is that the cookies from these pages bring joy to you and your family.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 60,00

Tema: Métodos, Faça Você Mesmo, Divertido, Culinária, Casa E Lar Palavras-chave: best, chewy, chip, chocolate, cookie, cookies, easy, how, make, recipe, recipes, to

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